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Many dogs fear pets to the head from strangers

Although some dogs tolerate head pets from people they do not know, most instinctively feel uncomfortable when a hand reaches down from above their head. If you scroll through social media, you’ll easily see examples of distressed dogs suffering through pets on the head. To verify how your dog feels, pay attention to your his body language when an unfamiliar person attempts to pet his head. Chances are you’ll observe signs of stress. Signs to look for include:

  • Lowering the head or ducking away from the touch
  • Walking away
  • Pinning back the ears
  • Licking their lips
  • Yawning
  • Showing the whites of the eyes

Preventing Unfamiliar People From Petting Your Dog on the Head

Well intentioned strangers on the sidewalk or visitors to your home may wish to pet your dog on the head. We humans just can’t help ourselves, dogs are just irresistible to many of us. However, you need to advocate for your dog’s well-being. Ask people to pet or scratch your dog on the places you know they enjoy best. For many dogs, the chest, shoulders, chin, or sides of the neck are a safe bet. My favorite approach is to simply have the person kneel, put their hand out not making eye contact with my dog, and give the dog the freedom to sniff the person and feel them out prior to petting.  Once your dog is at ease and free of stress signs, allow the dog lover to pet away.  If the person does not respect your request, don’t hesitate to step in and stop the interaction. Your dog needs to know you have his best interests at heart.

Certain dogs are one dog people that really do not like being pet by anyone but their owner.  If this is the case, be frank with people and tell them that he does not like to be pet.  Not only could allowing a person to pet a dog like this instill fear in the dog, but it could also lead to fear biting.

Dr. Roger Welton is a practicing veterinarian and highly regarded media personality through a number of topics and platforms. He is the author of his top selling memoir The Man In The White Coat: A Veterinarian’s Tail Of Love. In addition to this writing this blog, Dr. Welton also hosts the popular Space Coast Pet Podcast.  He is the CEO and chief attending veterinary of Premier Veterinary Care in Viera, FL.


The Space Coast Pet Podcast


Read Dr. Roger’s Latest Book!

The Man In The White Coat: A Veterinarian's Tail Of Love
