Does your cat or dog need to go to the vet? Does your cat or dog really need that surgery, procedure, or treatment? How serious is the condition your veterinarian described? Is euthanasia the best decision for your pet right now? You’ve been told what’s wrong but it just wasn’t specific enough or explained clearly enough? The Web-DVM online veterinarians can help answer these questions.
Our goal at Web-DVM’s Ask A Vet Advice Online Veterinary Request Service, is to provide you with peace of mind. Sometimes you just need another professional opinion to be sure you are making the right decision. Before starting from the beginning with another veterinarian who may well want to conduct costly tests of their own, Web-DVM’s Ask A Vet Advice Online Veterinary Request Service may be of invaluable assistance. We want to help you make the best choice for your animals and know at the same time that you have saved valuable time and money while receiving a professional case review from the comfort of your own home.
Pets today are considered family members, best friends, confidants, and so much more. Taking care of them requires not just dedication, love, and nurturing, but also the right knowlege to recognize illness and make medical decisions for your pet. The Online Veterinarian provides quick, professional veterinary answers, and advice for the situations and concerns that you face while taking care of your pets with the Ask A Vet Advice Online Veterinary Request Service. Ask Pet Questions and get Veterinary Advice. Consultations will be detailed and informative and will not be generic, cursory answers, with follow up correspondence if necessary.
Web-DVM’s Ask A Vet Advice Online Veterinary Request Service is not intended to replace a traditional appointment with a veterinarian and a complete physical exam. This service is only meant to be informative and supplemental. At this time, Web-DVM’s Ask A Vet Advice Online Veterinary Request Service is powered by the JustAnswer expert question and answer megaportal, with available pet health and veterinary experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and providing expert answers typically within minutes.
Click here if you prefer holistic veterinary advice specifically.