Health, advice, and information online community for dog and cats lovers.

Archives: Pets

Why Stem Cell Therapy In Pets Is So Effective

Recall when you were a child or even in your teenage years.  After massive amounts of activity you were not sore and if you did get sore, the soreness did not last very long.  Trauma to the body did not hurt as much and when legitimate injuries occurred, they healed very quickly.  Fast forward to your present age and soreness following activity is a foregone conclusion,...

Don’t Blame Me For Your Fractious Pet!

I had a client last week that is perhaps the worst example of owner denial about the aggressive behavior of a pet that I have experienced in my 17 years of practice.  While it was the worst example, it most certainly was not an isolated experience where owners not only live in denial about their fractious, even dangerous pet, but somehow insinuate that it is somehow the...

The Number One Factor That Determines Successful Veterinary Medical Outcomes

This post’s featured image kind of gives away the suspense of this article, but it could not be more relevant to veterinarians.  We may have your pet in our exam room for perhaps 30 minutes, in the operating room for perhaps 90 minutes, or in the hospital perhaps for a few days.  However, the treatment and rehabilitation that must occur for a pet for make a full...

Is CBD Oil Really The Magical Elixir Of Health For Dogs & Cats It Is Purported To Be?

A recent poll determined that just under 70% of dog and cat owners hit the internet searches – usually Google – prior to bringing their pet to the veterinarian when he/she is experiencing signs of illness or injury.  They are instantly bombarded with massive amounts of information as to what condition may be affecting the pet and how it should be treated.  I am...

Talking About Pet Food These Days Is Starting To Feel Like Discussing Religion Or Politics

We have all heard that is is not a good idea to talks socially about religion or politics.  Both are very personal to people and can easily escalate into uncomfortable conversations to say the least.  What’s more, one rarely has real substantive discussions about religion or politics because more often than not, people’s opinions on these topics are based more...

How Did A Spay Become A Commodity Service???

The Webster’s definition of a commodity is: “A reasonably interchangeable good or material, bought and sold freely as an article of commerce….”  This definition indicates that commodities are shopped items open for trade at the best market driven price.  While in the strictest financial terms this refers to agricultural goods and natural resources,...

Special Considerations for Anesthesia in Cats

Cats are not little dogs.  They have unique physiological differences that warrant unique approaches to feline medicine and anesthesia is no exception.  While many of the principles of anesthesia are the same in cats, there are some special health and safety considerations to take into account. I once attended a lecture where the board certified anesthesiologist speaker...

Best Practices For Safe Anesthesia Administration In Dogs

I once attended a lecture where the board certified anesthesiologist speaker defined anesthesia as “the controlled release of potentially lethal compounds.”  I absolutely loved this definition and use it frequently with my medical team so that they are always acutely aware of the importance of optimal anesthesia vigilance and subsequent positive outcomes.  Does...

Most Common Household Toxins For Cats

Cats are curious little souls, often readily sniffing around unusual or random places in or around the home. While we celebrate feline curiosity and the funny and silly (and relatively harmless) predicaments it often leads to, this trait may predispose your cat to some not so obvious dangers in the home. The good news is that armed with the right information, you can easily...

Why All Cats 8 Years Of Age Or Older Should Have Blood Pressure Checked On Routine Well Visits

I have been consistent in my messaging for years that the yearly well visit is so much more than simply updating vaccines.  The yearly visit performed correctly also involves parasite screening and a through physical examination to facilitate early disease detection to promote quality of life and longevity.  In cats 8 years of age or older, routine blood pressure...