Health, advice, and information online community for dog and cats lovers.

Happy, safe, Thanksgiving from Dr. Roger and The Web-DVM!


Greetings Reader, Viewers and Listeners:

I will not be posting a new YouTube show today, as I have taken some time to spend with family and prepare for the big feast tomorrow. In its place, please enjoy this repeat posting of our most popular video this season, “The cat who loves babies.” Since it showcases my angelic little baby Scarlett, I am quite pleased to know that it has been our most popular episode in the new season, and I am overjoyed to post it again!

I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of our fans a very special and safe Thanksgiving holiday, and know that one of the things I am most thankful for, is having a fan base that cares about what I have to say…which works out splendidly for me, as I always HAVE ALOT TO SAY! I also wanted to remind everyone that Thanksgiving presents unique dangers to our pets, that are well summed up in this excerpt from an article from the wonderfully informative website, Click here to view the article directly at Petplace:

Prevent access to counter tops – some dogs and especially cats will jump up on to counters (cats) or pull thing off counters. This is so tempting to pets with the succulent smells of turkey and food. The hot stove and hot items on counters can cause severe burns. Hot burners can also cause tail and hair to catch on fire.

Safely dispose of the turkey string and foil– the string that wraps or ties turkey’s legs is often haphazardly placed aside and found and eaten by dogs and cats. The same danger exists with the plastic turkey wrapper. Ingestion of these indigestible items can require life-saving surgery. Place string, aluminum foil, and turkey wrappers in a secure covered trashcan.
Take care with the fireplace – many times Thanksgiving is the first of the winter holidays and the first time the fireplace has been used. Take special care that pets stay away from the fire. It is a good idea to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home to ensure all heaters are adequately ventilated.

Careful with table scraps and food – some dogs and cats deal well with table scraps and others get stick. Small breed dogs can be especially sensitive and develop a disease called pancreatitis. This is especially true with high fat meals. Don’t feed your pet the skins to get rid of them. If you feed anything – offer small amounts of vegetables or meat. Many deserts contain chocolate, which pets don’t need. Don’t feed your pets chocolate.

No Bones – bones can be dangerous to dogs. Don’t feed your dog the bones. If you dispose of them in the trash – make sure the trash is secure from your pet.
Special care with candles – this is a wonderful occasion to light some beautiful candles. Only do this with the candles are supervised. Never leave the room with a burning candle. Pets can knock them over causing burns or house fires.
Beware liquid potpourri – this is another item that is commonly used during the holidays to give the home a wonderful aroma. The liquid potpourri can be very caustic to the gums and throat of ingested. Spray or plug in air fresheners may be a safer alternative.

I plan to return next week with a new episode of my podcast, Veterinary advice, animal news and views, when I will be talking about, The grain free, preservative free pet food craze, worth all the hype? As always, I will also be addressing listener e-mails, which are abundant and passionate to say the least, given our last controversial topic about feline declaw, canine debarking, and other controversial procedures. Please tune in and keep the e-mails coming.

Again Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

Roger Welton, DVM

Dr. Roger Welton is the President and chief veterinarian at Maybeck Animal Hospital in West Melbourne Florida, as well as CEO of the veterinary advice and health management website

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