Health, advice, and information online community for dog and cats lovers.

Live Call-in Show Wednesday 8/4/2010 9PM EST: When owners don’t comply

Call in number:(877) 878-1435

Just over 2 weeks until Season 2 of The Web-DVM begins! (Monday, August 23, 2010)

In this episode:

Man’s life saved because dog chewed off infected toe while he lay drunk: You’re not going to believe this one!

Science Daily Report: Just the smell of predators, like cats, induces fear and stress for mice and other small rodents. What this means for your house cat.

Poor compliance is the number one reason for treatment failure: When owners don’t comply

Listen via podcast live or archived here:

Blog Talk Radio

Watch via streaming video live or archived here:

When owners don’t comply – Broadcast your self LIVE

Bonus Material:

Thousands of Gulf region pets turned into shelters because of economic distress resulting from BP oil spill.

Rescue a pet in need today – Gulf Animal Shelter Links:

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