With all of the new pet foods coming out each and every day, with so many people with (often strong) opinions about which brands are good or bad, how does a dog or cat owner sift through all of the advertisements, advice, and “opinions” about pet food and select the right one for his/her pet?
Tonight, I define what some of the branding terminology really means, and concrete ways that pet owners may be able to discern which foods are reputable, appropriate for life stage of one’s pet (s), and having been tested appropriately and under scrutiny prior to being put out on the pet food market. In this part of our industry that lacks any real oversight, this is information stands to help you make perhaps the most important decision about your pet’s health, and feel confident about your choice of food for your dogs and cats.
I caution you to not be tempted to dismiss my talk tonight, because you may have heard the unfounded and completely untrue notion that veterinarians like me are ignorant with regard to nutritional matters, that somehow the vet schools omit teaching us this most basic determinant of optimal or poor health. This may be popular rhetoric among Internet pet chat forums, but it could not be further from the truth. Animal Nutrition comprised an entire semester of first year course work, with a mid term and final examination and everything. Later in second year physiology and medicine course work, these general nutrition premises are taken a step further with disease specific nutrition.
So trust me when I tell you, your veterinarian is and always will be the best source of information when it comes to your pets’ nutritional needs. Enjoy the show, and feel free to send me questions or comments to be addressed in the next upcoming episode to comments@web-dvm.net.
Thanks as always, for caring about what I have to say! 🙂
Roger Welton, DVM
Dr. Roger Welton is the President and chief veterinarian at Maybeck Animal Hospital in West Melbourne Florida, as well as CEO of the veterinary advice and health management website Web-DVM.net.