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“Miles” The Miracle Cat reported yesterday that an Anaheim woman drove to Irvine early last month before she realized there was something strange under the hood of her car. After the woman immediately pulled over and looked under her hood, to her surprise, she saw a frightened cat wedged into a tight compartment behind a headlight and the hot engine. After she called animal control, attempts to free the terrified feline were unsuccessful, with a very hot engine proving to be a significant obstacle.

That is when the officer contacted a nearby animal shelter, Irvine Animal Care Center, where veterinarian Dr. Karen Moreland came to the rescue. Through use of sedation and Dawn dish soap for lubrication, Dr. Moreland was able to get the kitty out of the tight spot he was stuck in.

There were no serious injuries reported except for some burns to the paw pads.

The kitty had a microchip in place to identify the owners, but when the shelter contacted the owners to pick up their lost cat, the workers made him available for adoption. They affectionately named him “Miles,” in honor of his surviving against the odds, a 14 mile journey. The workers report that Miles is a sweetheart, and anyone interested in adopting him can contact the shelter at (949) 724-7740.

Miles the cat

Having treated many unfortunate cats that have received much more serious burns and injuries from seeking shelter in car engines, Miles is clearly one lucky boy. Feline owners should pay close attention to this story. Left outside, cats are affected by the elements no less than we are. As such, they seek shelter from cold, wind, and rain.

A car engine is sometimes an attractive place for felines to weather the elements, since they are both dry and warm. The consequences can be serious if not tragic. Thankfully, Miles came through without serious injury, and hopefully will find a loving home for his trouble.

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