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Way To Step Up For Animals, Body Shop

Regularly observing or learning of unconsionable acts of animal neglect, abuse, and cruelty in the United States of America, a country that is very developed and for the most part is comprised of a compassionate citizenry, I have often wondered about the potential plight of animals in less developed and/or antiquated countries. This has led me to often shudder at the thought of the treatment of animals in places where there is little regard for even human rights.

As such, I was so very pleased to learn of a report by The Wall Street Journal’s, that The Body Shop, a natural health and beauty product chain, has partnered with The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in raising awareness to sign sign a petition in support of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare. The “Make Yourself Beautiful Campaign”, as it is called, will run from October 4-10, and for the duration of October at The Body Shop stores throughout Canada and the USA. During this time, customers will be encouraged to sign an online petition in support of the Declaration on the website The website also encourages individuals to “surround themselves with beautiful people” by getting their friends and family to sign as well.

The Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare is an agreement between people and countries that recognizes that animals can experience pain and suffering, and that working toward ensuring that the lives of animals are free of pain and suffering needs to be a top priority. Specifically, The Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare would help animals of the world by, as directly quoted from

“-Raising the status of animal welfare as an international issue.
-Encouraging governments to establish or improve existing national animal
welfare legislation.
-Inspiring positive change in public attitudes and actions towards

A campaign of awareness alone may not seem adequately proactive, but remember the old proverb, “a journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step,” and spreading awareness is an effective and neccesary first step. I encourage all my readers in joining the Body Shop in their mission and signing the petition.

Roger Welton, DVM
Founder, Web-DVM

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