Health, advice, and information online community for dog and cats lovers.

Wed 9-14-2011 Season Opener: Dr. Roger’s Big Announcement; The Itchy Pet!

Listen to this podcast directly from my show page by CLICKING HERE.

Hello everyone and thank you for your patience this summer during my abscence. My media work is one of my favorite aspects of my veterinary career and I am itching to get back to corresponding with all of you. Whether you are a fan of my BlogTalkRadio podcast, my YouTube webcast, or both, we are set to kick off the new season tomorrow night, Wednesday 9 PM EST with my podcast, Veterinary Advice, Animal News and Views.

In this show, I will be announcing the completion of an exciting project that I worked on all summer that will be free for pet owners to enjoy great benefits from. I will then highlight some changes that will be in effect for the new fall season and transition into the evening’s topic of The Itchy Pet.

For those of you that are waiting for return of The Web-DVM YouTube webcast, the first one is set to air one week from tomorrow, Wed 9-21-2011, where I will be discussing my project further, as well as showing it in action. My plan for this season with a very demanding schedule is to alternate every other week between my podcast and webcast. I love both genres equally for different reasons, but doing both each week turned out to be too much of a demand on my time.

Thank you all again for your patience this off season, and for caring enough to listen to little old me! I hope the my new project I have to offer you, as well as this season’s topics and formats will be such that I do not disappoint!

Dr. Roger Welton is the President and chief veterinarian at Maybeck Animal Hospital in West Melbourne Florida, as well as CEO of the veterinary advice and health management website

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