No person aside from your parents will love you more than your dog. No matter what, your dog will always go bonkers the moment you come home. That love will never be in...
We must consider the life span of a dog in comparison to ours to understand how much faster they age than we do. We should also consider the size of the dog when considering...
The physical benefits of regular exercise for dogs are numerous. Exercise reduces obesity, supports a robust circulatory and respiratory systems, maintains vigorous joints, and...
In our day and age, there is no reason why any dog should be contracting heartworm disease. For decades, heartworm disease has been among the most safely and effectively...
I remember when I was a kid, the traditional way of house training our dogs was to drag them to the spot where they soiled and yell “no!” Sadly, many others took it further...
Dogs may be incredibly domesticated animals that through tens of thousands of years of domestication and evolution, have become a lot more like us…but they are still at their...
Aside from having a fur coat that insulates dog’s to core temperatures higher than humans, they also lack an integral self-cooling component that humans have – the ability to...
If you’re a dog parent you are probably familiar with the constant stopping during walks so they can sniff and you’ll often respond to this by nudging them along. However,...
Although some dogs tolerate head pets from people they do not know, most instinctively feel uncomfortable when a hand reaches down from above their head. If you scroll through...
You’re in full swing of the holiday season and while we want you to enjoy it you and you family might not realize the hazards that are around for your pets. In fact, the ASPCA...
No person aside from your parents will love you more than your dog. No matter what, your dog will always go bonkers the moment you come home. That love will never be in question, as you are...
We must consider the life span of a dog in comparison to ours to understand how much faster they age than we do. We should also consider the size of the dog when considering the aging process, as...
The physical benefits of regular exercise for dogs are numerous. Exercise reduces obesity, supports a robust circulatory and respiratory systems, maintains vigorous joints, and promotes lean muscle...